Saturday, January 31, 2009


I just saw the Twilight movie and I've been reading the books. Took me long enough to get going, but I wanted to preview them before Hannah reads them. So far, I've encouraged her to NOT read the fourth book until she is married.

"Twilight" itself has grown on me a bit. I also read "Midnight Sun" and totally fell in love with Edward. I think if Stephenie Meyer had combined the two points of view it would have made an exceptional book.

My favorite parts:

Twilight...I really liked the blood typing in the science class and how Edward stepped forward to take care of Bella. Also, liked the meadow scene.

New Moon...I loved how the author moved through time during Bella's down time after Edward left. I thought it was very effective.

Eclipse...I loved how Bella compared herself to Switzerland.

Breaking Dawn...I loved the scene when Bella finds out that Jacob has imprinted with the baby and nicknamed her after the Loch Ness Monster. Hilarious!

The Movie...disappointing. Could have moved smoother from point to point. I loved Alice. I see her in my head as I read the books.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I totally agree on Book 4! ;-) I'm even a little cautious about the rest of them, LOL - I'm pretty sure Kiddo won't be interested in reading 'em, but if we have a girl, it makes me nervous, LOL. ;-) OTOH, Hubby keeps laughing at me and thinks that I'm being over-protective because I don't want Kiddo watching stuff like Lord of the Rings or King Arthur until he's like, 25. I don't know what he's talking about! ;-)
