Saturday, May 23, 2009

ER visit

So, I'm beginning to reply to a question on my niece's blog, when I hear a tremendous crash that went on forever, it seemed. I went to see what had happened, and heard, "That's not good."

Tom had been trimming a lilac tree that was getting too close to the power lines that connect to our house and fell off the ladder. He mostly landed on his shoulder, but also hit his head which was bleeding. He had already put pressure on it, and was laying on the cement of the breezeway. He didn't lose conciousness and was very aware of everything, but I knew as dizzy as he was there was no way we were taking him to the hospital without help. At first he couldn't even sit up without nearly passing out. Finally I went to our neighbor who is a retired fire fighter and he came to help. He encouraged us to call for an ambulance. It was so nice to have him here...having his know-how and encouragement helped.

After 3 hours in the ER Tom had had his shoulder x-rayed (not broken), his head stapled (2 gashes), and was able to walk without passing out.

The problem now is...The pharmacies are all closed for the night.

I think it was 6 months ago that James was in the ER. I sure hope this doesn't become a semi-annual occurance!

1 comment:

  1. Oh heavens sakes!! I sure hope he's okay!!! That's so scary!!
