Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Out of the Refiner's Fire

Recently all the wards in our stake had boundary changes and some had leadership changes. Ours was one of the lucky ones...lots of changes. We lost 38 wonderful sisters to another ward (sad) and gained 153 sisters from another ward (Yay!) I felt very overwhelmed thinking that I was now responsible for nearly 300 sisters instead of only 180. We also got a new bishop, new high priest group leader and new elder's quorum president. 

I lost a counselor and secretary. 

And that's the way it stayed...and stayed...and stayed. 

The Sunday after the big shake up, Bishop met with all the leaders of the ward one at a time. He wanted to get to know us and get a feel for what needed to happen in the ward. 

The next Sunday, the Spirit started preparing me for another change. I sat in Sacrament Meeting quite teary-eyed that week. 

So, finally, about three weeks later, after totally overhauling the visiting teaching, the bishop tells me that he needs to talk to me about Relief Society. I spent the next three hours praying. 

Finally, we got together after church and Bishop told me I was being released. 

I told him, "I KNOW!" 

He said he had known from before the boundary changes, but the old Bishop felt we should wait until after those changes. Fair enough. 

I feel like I did when I came home from my mission. I walked into the President's office for my last interview and said, "Can't I stay longer?" 

He said, "It's time for you to go home, Hermana Bright." 

Once I stepped onto the plane I looked forward to the future and what it would bring. (I also wrote my homecoming talk to be ready for the next day!)

I have very mixed feelings. I did my best, and although my efforts weren't perfect, they were my best and I am at peace with that. I know it is time for something new, but I'm really going to miss working so closely with the sisters in the ward. I love them all so much. 

I look at how much I have grown over the last three years and it amazes me. I know I will never be the same person I was back then. And I'm glad about that. I'm better now. Stronger. Polished. Maybe I'm closer to the person Heavenly Father wants me to be. 


  1. Ann, I will miss having you as president, you have been a great leader! I am glad to have you as an example and friend! Hopefully you will enjoy what comes next!

  2. I would have love to be there and seen your service. Regardless of what you say, I know you did wonderful. You are great at all you do. Love you bunches, Stacie
