Friday, May 25, 2012

Busy Week

It's been a busy week, but oh so fun! 

We had 11 extra people for Tim's homecoming talk. Tom's sister and 6 of her family, Tom's mom, my mom and dad and sister. It was great having them all here. 

Grandpa Bright, Timothy, Grandma Bright

Grandma Jenson and Timothy

The Bright Family Missionaries: 
Grandpa Bright (Australia), Timothy (Canada), Linda (Brazil), Ann (Honduras)
Not pictured: Johnathan (Indiana) 
We could let Tom stand in, too...(another Australia)

This is three generations of missionaries. If we went back one more generation it would be four generations. Dad's dad when to the Western States for his mission. There are other Bright missionaries, but this is all from my dad to present. 

I kept mom busy with a quilt. It took us 3 LONG days.

Then I took mom and dad to Kathrine Albertson's park to take pictures. They are celebrating 50 years of marriage this year. Don't they look like they are still on their honeymoon? After 50 years and 9 kids? ha ha 

I'm glad they have given me such a good example of a lasting marriage. 

I can't wait to see what Shauna does to make the photos even better. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Maybe, just maybe...

Maybe having my new doctor move and needing another new doctor will work out. 

During our appointment he said he wanted me to look up a certain disease on the internet. When he mentioned that it was PCOS, I told him I'd already researched it. 

"Do you think it's likely you have it?"

"I think it's very likely." 

For more details about PCOS go to my other blog Rediscovering Me.

Ever since that appointment I have been kind of excited. FINALLY! A doctor who will actually acknowledge my symptoms and do something about it instead of just ease me into heart disease and diabetes. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Welcome Home!

He's home!

May 4, 2012

Mama's hug!

Our boy is back!

The welcome sign. At the bottom it says "The well mannered child" (intentionally spelled wrong). This is a family joke. We always called Tim our well-mannered child and while we were saying it he would be eating with his mouth open or punching a sibling as part of the joke.  

Timothy, Johnathan and Laney

Aunt Linda and Timothy

Hannah, Timothy and James

Timothy and Matt Hale

After the airport we decided we couldn't go straight home. We were too excited. So we stopped at Merritt's for scones. 

Laney, coloring at Merritt's

Hannah, Matt and Timothy, coloring at Merritt's

Tom and Johnathan, spinning their wedding rings at Merritt's

Tim brought this nativity home for me. One of the members made it.