April...The Dam Run in Emmett. We started waaayyy down there. All the level ground or downhill parts wouldn't add up to one football field. 3.8 miles UP! But I made it...10 feet at a time sometimes.
The Pied Piper of Boise. At the Bright Family Reunion Tom always announces, "I'm going up to the spring now" and all the kids go along with him.
Right after the Family Reunion we went camping in American Fork Canyon with the Grubers.
Then a day at Lagoon. It's time for the pre-mission traditions.
Baby shower for Laney
And we got a new pet...meet Tevye. He's about three months old now.
Then I went to the Oregon Coast with my girlfriends for a week...
followed immediately with a family vacation in Yellowstone...
and the Tetons...
followed immediately by girl's camp.
L to R: Back: Charity Cummings, Kennedy Franz, Emily Luker, Paige Zohner, Megan Brown, Me, Kristin Conrad
Front: Noele Alder, Samantha Scholes, Ciara Loman, Blakely Conrad, Kaylie, Kylie Jenks, Maggie Walker
It's so nice to stay home!