Tom and James slid down the snow you see in this photo.
The exit of the cave
Tim and James going to the mouth of the cave.
The exit is visible from the entrance. We could have spent hours at this cave climbing the rocks and exploring. It is not improved at's just there in the rough.
Another place of exploration was Paris Springs. It was 300 yards from the Paris campground. That is a beautiful campground.
The Minnetonka Cave was a work out. 896 stairs round trip.
This is the bride and groom. The bride is above and the groom is below. I was told that the guide said when they get together they will be married...but in the meantime they are having a very long engagement.
The Seven Dwarf room and Casper the friendly ghost.
These are the "Stairway to Heaven"...71 steps. They went up them and then turned around to come back out of the cave.
St. Charles canyon
Tres amigas! Linda, Ann and Shellece
This is the back of the Paris Tabernacle. The guide told us that when they started putting the roof on they realized that the pitch of the roof was wrong on one side of the wall. Look closely and you can see a line just below the roof line on the right side of the photo. They had to add a bit to make the roof fit right. All the adults in our group looked at each other and said, "Tim Perry would have loved that story!"
Paris Tabernacle from the front. The ceiling in this building was made by a ship builder so it looks just like the inside of a boat, but turned upside down.
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Bright Family Reunion
The Paris Tabernacle is very pretty and I love the caves! Looks like we will have to plan some camping of our own. :)