Saturday, February 18, 2012

"I fell among cutthroats"

Although I had been given great advice before the biopsy, this is what I thought of during the procedure...

President Kimball said, “I must tell you what has happened to me. I went away to the East, and while there I fell among cutthroats. …”

The doctor who did the biopsy was very personable and reassured me that I had a 95% chance of it being nothing. He only had to do one pass (thankfully), and sent me on my way. I was sore for a couple days, but only needed ibuprofen for the first night. All the twinges are finally gone as of today. 

Wednesday I got the news I was waiting for. It was negative. Now for the fun of finding a med that will work...hopefully, one that will allow me to lose weight. 

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