Friday, May 17, 2013

Junior Prom

Hannah wasn't even planning to go to the prom. She didn't even care about it. She had plans for going next year as a senior without a date, if necessary, but this year she didn't want the bother of finding a dress and all the other stuff that goes with it. 

A week before the prom Hannah's girlfriend got a boy to ask Hannah to go with him. Becca also told Hannah she could borrow Becca's dress from last year. Thursday before the prom, things fell through when the boy realized he couldn't go after all. Becca talked their friend Blue (Alex) into going with Hannah. So after five minutes of not going, she was going again. Blue was a good date. Hannah likes him alot and has been making him the subject of her missionary work. Since it was last minute Hannah paid for her own ticket to the prom (I can't believe how expensive those tickets are nowadays. $25 each just to walk in the door!) Blue covered dinner for her. 

Becca's mom took photos at Albertson's park.

This one was just in front of our house.

I can't believe she's so grown up!


  1. $25 is cheap! I think mine was close to $60 or something crazy.

  2. I guess we could have it worse! I was thinking of prom in my day when we thought $10 was expensive. lol
