Thursday, February 19, 2009


Tag from Brianna

The idea here is define who you are - what seven things, traits or qualities make up who YOU are?


1. Independent--My mom tells a story about when I was 4 years old. She says there was a neighbor girl who liked to have all the little girls follow her around. Guess who wouldn't! That girl was so upset that I wouldn't follow her.

2. Goal oriented--Another story from my childhood. When I was 4 years old my 3 year old friend and I were playing outside one day and started talking about our future marriage plans. She said she would get married in Salt Lake City. I said, "I'm not doing that. I'm getting married in the temple."

3. Peacemaker--contention of any kind drives me up the wall. Good thing our kids don't fight much.

4. Tender-hearted--I want to do too much for people and it gets me into trouble sometimes.

5. Soft-hearted--I'm easily hurt.

6. Determined--I'm not easily swayed from my goals. Another story...I wanted to attend BYU-Utah very badly, but my mom kept trying to get me to attend USU and live at home. I stuck with it, found my own financial aid, saved my money for school costs and made it to BYU-Utah. Mom and the rest of the kids (8 of them) ended up living with Grandma Bright that first year. Good thing I didn't plan to live at home after all.

7. Confident--I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father loves me no matter how imperfect I am. I am acceptable in His eyes.

I tag...anyone!


  1. I LOVE this post Ann!!! How fun to hear the stories of when you were a kid!!! Cute!! You are a great person you know!!!!!

  2. Thanks, Brianna. That's very nice to hear after a very long, hard week.

  3. What a great post! I still have to work on it, LOL... maybe in the morning. When I wake up. Early. Hopefully. LOL

    I agree - "peacemaker" is one of your chief attributes!!! Even though you were having such a tough week, you were still kind and functional - that says a LOT!!! You're a wonderful friend! :-)

  4. I always wish i was a peacemaker!! i'm more of a pot-stirrer trying to reform! lol :) you cling to that peacemaker trait!!! :)
