Friday, February 18, 2011

The Blues

These last few weeks have been horrible. I'm so tired of feeling stressed out and worn out all the time.

First, the visit to my naturopath revealed that my body is having a hard time getting the lead out. (No pun intended.) He now has me on a supplement to help with that. The detoxing makes me very tired in the evenings, besides keeping me from losing any weight. Do you know how hard it is to eat like you're on a diet when you know it won't do any good? Very frustrating. I hate this stage of my healing.

Second, since the end of January I have had to do some things for Relief Society that have been very hard for me. AND then when it was done I was criticized because I didn't do it right. I never wanted this job and sometimes I have wished that I could give it back to some of the complainers. The previous president said she loved this job. I still don't, and I don't know if I ever will. It's the hardest calling I've ever had.

Third, we have had a very hard year at work, and were overjoyed when the new assistant manager decided to move to a new school. I took her place...but her presence is still very much in our kitchen. Rather than talk to me about things, the manager let her frustrations build up until she blew up one day (referenced in the previous post). She acted totally inappropriately and I am having a very hard time dealing with it. I walk on egg shells at work and then cry in the evenings. The day it happened she "invited" me to go home if I couldn't pull myself together. If I had gone home, I really doubt that I would have ever gone back. As it is, I'm wondering if I will stay past this year...or even make it to the end of the year.


  1. Oh Ann! I am so sorry everything is coming hard on you all at once!! I hope things calm down for you soon! My Sister is doing the detoxifying thing, and I can't even imagine how hard that would are a strong and brave woman!!! You are a Wonderful Relief Society President and you were chosen by Heavenly Father!! As for your work...hmmm, I hope things change there soon for the better, or you find a better change! :) You have and will have so many blessing for the things that you are going through right now.

  2. Harold B. Lee said “I [am] persuaded of one great truth: Whenever the Lord has a great blessing for one of his children, he puts that son or daughter in the way to make a great sacrifice.” You remember that. Heavenly Father loves you. You are doing a great job. Hang in there. Heavenly Father chose you. You have what he wants. I love you.

  3. It always seems to hit all at once right?! I'm sorry! Just remember, you are a strong woman, and you can succeed. Like Shauna said, hopefully work can get better, or you can find something else. And with Relief Society, I think you are doing a WONDERFUL job. This ward it HARD, and I know you are doing your absolute best. There are many who support you!
