Monday, March 21, 2011

Who's watching?

I'm constantly learning what it means to be a Relief Society president. You'd think at almost one and a half years I'd almost have it down, but NOPE! No matter how hard I try I can't even put it into words. You just have to experience it yourself to fully appreciate what a Relief Society president does. I never wanted the job and hope to never do it again (ha ha!...heavy sarcasm, here), and during the last month or so even the nursery has been sounding good.

There have been a couple things in the last few days that have really helped. First, was our Relief Society birthday dinner. One of the girls talked about how Heavenly Father sees everything we do even when we feel that no one is noticing the things we do. Then we did an activity where half of us sat in a circle. The other half were standing behind those who were seated. The ones sitting, closed their eyes and the ones standing, moved around the circle and told each person something they admired about them. Then we traded places and repeated the exercise. It was so spiritual. There were tears and lots of smiles. It felt so good to hear people telling me that they appreciate what I do for them in my calling. They also told me they appreciate and admire my loving and peaceful nature.

The second thing happened on Sunday as we were waiting to start our presidency meeting. The secretary and I were sitting in our favorite room when a little boy from the other ward came in. He was hiding because he didn't want to go to primary. Lisa started asking where his parents were and suggested he go find them.

"No, I'm with my grandma."

"You should go find your grandma and let her know where you are."

"No, she'll make me go up there and I don't want to go. She can't see me here."

"Heavenly Father can see you."

"No he can't."

"Yes, he can."

"You mean, He can see me through the ceiling?"

"Yes, He can. He can see you everywhere."

"Oh. Maybe I should go to class."

Maybe I should pay attention since this message came twice. It reminded me that Heavenly Father loves me, knows me and accepts me. He notices what I do and helps me do what I need to do. I may have challenging weeks (like the last one), but I'm not alone because He is there. I'm just got to keep remembering that.


  1. You are so right. I forget that even when I feel totally alone, that I am not. He truly is always there. Love you too. :)

  2. Thank you for the wonderful. And yes you are an amazing person!

  3. I've never been a RS pres, but I grew up as a RS Pres's daughter. I know the work you put in and love you and every other woman who does it for it. Hang in there and again when you are released because that will come too.

  4. Oy, yes... it's such a good reminder. Very humbling, too. Your heart of service and humility is amazing, and I'm sure the Lord is more aware of you than you even realize, you know? As much as we understand about Him, we can only begin to fathom - if that - how tenderly He holds us as we go through trials. Glad conference was so wonderful for you!!! :) *hugs*
