Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Goals

Most of last year's goals proved to be quite a challenge, but I was able to do quite well on the two I mentioned on this blog.

Hannah was planning to finish her Personal Progress by her seventeenth birthday. So I was working toward that, too. Then the leaders suggested she get it done by the temple dedication which gave us a month. In addition to finishing my goals I was helping Hannah finish, so it was a busy month. It was great to get my Personal Progress with Hannah. I'm so glad the church decided to let moms do it, too.

My medallions are so pretty!

The other goal was to learn one hymn per month on the piano (total fail) and to perform twice. One performance was the Hymns of Thanksgiving...the other has been a bit of a surprise. Our new calling is to do Sacrament Meeting twice a month at the Life Care Center. Part of that has become me playing hymns and special numbers on the piano. It has been a great experience to play in a less threatening situation. I'm even learning to accompany the singing.

I have been figuring out what I want to work on this year. Weight and health, of course, and relationships. I don't have details worked out yet.

1 comment:

  1. You'll enjoy having meeting at the Life Care Center. I was able to go on a couple occasions to help out with the service. Here's to a New Year with new possibilities.
