Sunday, October 11, 2009

From the frying pan, into the fire...

My motto today is..."Ready or not..."

A few weeks ago Bishop extended a new calling to me...a calling I've always known I would have the opportunity of doing, but didn't look forward to doing. In fact, I had so successfully told myself that it would be years yet before I was asked to do this, I was totally shocked when he asked. Immediately the Spirit entered the room and I knew I was supposed to do it at this time. I have been on pins and needles ever since. I've experienced such a variety of emotions and thoughts.

Today I was sustained as the new Relief Society president in our ward.

Most of the time I'm anxious, nervous, just plain scared, and feeling inadequate. The rest of the time I know I trust Heavenly Father. I know that through Christ and His atonement I can do this. I know as long as I do my best He will be there to make up the difference. That is a very good thing!

So, here we go to new experiences, new duties, new lessons. I'm nervous about the future, but I'm excited about it as well.


  1. good luck ann! You have a great RS to care for! Keep your can do attitude and you willbe fine with the Lord!!

  2. Congradulations Ann! You are going to make a great president. I wish I was still there to feel your wonderful spirit. :)

  3. I'm excited for you in your new calling! You are definitely going to need help from others, especially the Lord. Please know that I am here and ready to help, too. :)

  4. scary and exciting!!! Ann, all you have to do is be your sweet self and the Lord will fill in the rest either through sweet sisters in the ward, your family or divine providence. Good luck with everything!

  5. I am so excited for you too!! We have many sisters ready to help out whenever you need it!
