Thank goodness, April Fool's day is over.
The best thing about April Fool's day is that it's my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday, Ruth!
But April Fool's day is not my favorite. I like to surprise and shock people with witty things I say, but I'm not a practical joker. The witty things just happen when they happen and I can't confine them to one certain day per year.
A couple stories:
When I was 15 1/2 my youngest brother, Nate was born. I loved carrying him around and practicing "mom-hood" on him. One day when he was still less than one month old I carried Nate into Young Woman's. The Young Women turned to watch me and asked, "Whose baby is that?"
I replied with, "Mine!"
Their shocked looks were priceless, however, when I got a little older and realized that I was old enough that Nate could have been mine...I got embarrassed. LOL
Second story: During my third year of college, my roommate got engaged. We had a screen door that was kinda tempermental and you had to open it just so. One day my roommate's fiancee came to visit and was having a hard time opening the screen door. I made some smart comment and the room became silent. Then everyone started to laugh. My roommates told the fiancee, "Now you're one of the family."
Last one: I returned from my mission at the end of April 1986, and started school again September 1986. Tom and I were engaged at the beginning of September 1986. One of my roommates had served in my mission and was constantly running into people we knew in Honduras. She loved (and I did, too) to tell them I was engaged already. It never failed that they would stop and say, "Hermana Bright? Quiet, shy, Hermana Bright? Engaged already?"
Anyway, back to April Fool's day...
It is not my favorite day of the year. I have a couple sons who are real practical jokers. I won't go into all their exploits, or mention their names. (Their names start with...Timothy and James!) It never fails that at least one glass of water will be balanced on top of a bathroom door, the kitchen sprayer will be taped in the on position, and ketchup packets will be stratigically placed under the toilet seat.
And it never fails that the cup of water will land on me, the water will spray me in the chest, and the ketchup will be left for me to clean up.
In all fairness, James did warn me. He was trying to get Timothy or Hannah yesterday, but he failed to realize that I'M THE ONE WHO USES THE KITCHEN SINK 99% OF THE TIME! So, although he warned me, I got sprayed.
Oh, well. At least April Fool's day is over for another year.
The best thing this year...I got James! I made "special" cookies and James took a bite. I was hoping to get Timothy, too, but James made too much fuss about the extra salt before Timothy took a cookie. They didn't expect that from their Old Mom!
Love it! I had a hard time coming up with jokes this year.