I've been playing a game on facebook called "FrontierVille." In this game you are given tasks to do and as you complete them you are given new tasks. There are tasks for the house, barn, school, inn and so on. Each series has 5-10 (or so) tasks in it.
I've been thinking how much life is like that. Heavenly Father set up a series of tasks for us to do. There's the "growing up" series of tasks that includes: attending elementary school, getting baptized, graduating from primary. Then there's the "teenage" series: going to Young Men's or Young Womens, attending junior high and high school, dating, learning to drive, and graduating. Then there's the college, mission, and marriage series, which ends with the "get married in the temple" task. All that is followed by the parenthood series. At that point some of the new tasks are: teach your children to work, get your children to do their homework, and raise your children without killing them...to name a few. One of the tasks in this series is the "get your children to temple marriage" series.
Yesterday was a culmination of the "get your children to temple marriage" series for us as we watched Johnathan and Laney get sealed as a couple. However, the next series was opened up for us to see...It is the "help get your grandchildren to the temple" series. We think we know the entire plan and then another view is opened up and we see more of Heavenly Father's perspective. That can be mind boggling.
It all makes me so happy to have the gospel in my life, and to know that Heavenly Father has a plan. I don't understand the entire plan, but I know He does. I'm glad I've learned to trust Him, and I know He is in charge.
I love this post. Thanks for sharing!