Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Letter from John on December 30, 2008

he did an awesome job on that clock!!
this week wasnt too shabby for a week containing a major like christmas. im really enjoying it here in martinsville, i dont know how long ill stay but we'll see what the Lord wants.
yesterday in district meeting was asked by sister Perry (not related to the perrys we know, i checked already) why i hadnt hooped and hollered and bragged about the baptism when i called them for district calls saturday night. i replied at the time simply "you didnt ask". she was totally dumbfounded haha. but i got to thinking about it. baptisms dont really excite me as much anymore. im happy for Chris, Stacey, Randy, the Blairs and so forth and i understand the magnitude of the change and the step it is for the individual but its not a crazy rush for me anymore. i discovered that there were a couple reasons for this as i continued to ponder. first i suppose is i now recognize that isnt the finishing point. baptism is the first step so when someone is baptized yes ill celebrate with them (Chris is planning a "Mills isnt going to hell" party) but then immediately ive already moved on to start thinking about whats next, i start to working out in my head how i can help them get to the next step. i also realized that after Crossroads i almost expect baptisms. like ive gained some kind of stronger faith that if i do what im supposed to do miracles WILL happen, because thats what the Lord has promised will happen. Hearts like Chris's open up because i and Elder Adaoag are out fulfilling out purpose as missionaries so we get led to places where miracles will happen. i dunno if you followed all that but it makes sense to me.
i hope james is keeping his nose clean. hes always had a testimony but hes always tried to hide it. or maybe he doesnt know that he knows. if theres one thing ive learned its that each of our lives are specifically built for us to have the best possible chance back to our heavenly father. some may have to tread a thornier path, but eventually it will lead us to the point when we can accept it. maybe there was something to learn for Charles Hayden and the countless people he killed or Chris and the drugs hes been in and out of, or me and the stagnant way i have lead my way in the past. and who knows who these experiences will touch. so maybe james has a few more things he has to learn before he can make a good missionary.
hope you both have a great week!
i love ya

(Note: John is serving in an area of the world where the average baptisms during a two year mission is 2 per year. I think he has learned very well to trust in the Lord, do the work and expect miracles. I don't know how many baptisms he has had, but those he mentioned make at least 5 in the last 6 months. We are very proud of the growth he has made. We're even a little jealous that he has learned some of these things this early in life. I've just been learning some of them myself since he left.)

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