Friday, January 23, 2009

Epistle of John--January 20, 2009

all together my week was pretty good. the work is still moving forward. hopefully soon we'll be able to sort out our teaching pool and find some new awesome people.
Chris is doing alright. hes been going through some new trials though. i guess his wife is probably gotten herself into the big house. i hope not. hes getting tired of her garbage. hes also been working like a dog cleaning movie theaters. his lifes been crazy.
Jimmy is ready to go on the 31st this month!! i like dads idea about having Chris baptize him but Jimmy has a fellowshipper thats been working with him for a while now thats gonna do it.
Charles is working towards not smoking. he's commited to smoke only once every two hours which should cut back quite a bit!! he was also at FHE last night at a members house. we may have to answer some questions about temples but other than that it went fairly well.
im about out of time. i love you guys. im enjoying this work!ing this

its always fun when a bunch of crazy unexpected junk gets thrown our way, most of the time all we can do is grit our teeth pray and yell at Tim for trying to play dodgeball with his sax.
chocolate helps. just imagine if you were catholic and thats what you were to give up for lent. arent you glad our religion just tells us we shouldnt get sauced or smoke blunts.
thats a really cool FHE activity. it was odd that we were reading that section in the book and at the same time i was starting leviticus and wondering: whats wrong with leaven? i still have yet to do a focused study on it, ive been busy with other things. like preparing for my training, yikes. ill have a week off because of transfers coming up. were pretty sure E. Adaoag is leaving but were not sure yet, we'll find out for sure next week.
well i dont have a ton of time (the library is doing construction so they have limited computers) and i cant garentee i can extend my time today but rest assured im doing well. Jimmy is going to be baptized on the 31st. everyone else is doing pretty good. chris got a job. charles is working on quitting smoking still but we set up some good goals for him AND had him out to FHE last night at the Britts.
well i better write dad too before im out of time.
love ya

sweet! way to open your mouth and let the gospel spill out!! its amazing that when we're willing God will put us where we need to be so we can help our brothers and sisters
ive really enjoyed reading and trying to put the teaching skill of parables to use throughout my mission. always striving to make up sweet analogies to help others understand the gospel. it helps i suppose that i know a bit about a wide range of topics. theyre one of the most effective things ive done on my mission. its amazing how well jesus' parables were built. so much could be learned from his parables. i guess parables are like a deeper form of analogy.
well i guess ill get the coupled email set up
i love ya

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