Saturday, March 13, 2010

Always nice to hear

Last Saturday Tom and I went to the temple and as we were walking in I saw Laney's aunt coming out. This is the aunt I had worked with in the school lunch program. If you remember my post about secrets...that aunt...LOL.

Remi kept looking at me like she didn't recognize me and finally when we were closer I waved and said hi. Then she figured out who I was and said hi back. Tom was wondering who it was, so I told him, "That's Laney's aunt." So then Tom turns around, waves and shouts, "Hi, Laney's aunt!"

Yesterday I was walking with my friend Lynda at the mall and she told me that Remi had told her about us meeting at the temple. Remi told Lynda, "Ann has lost A LOT of weight. I didn't even recognize her."

That is always so nice to hear, especially when I've been so discouraged lately. I hadn't seen Remi since early December and I've probably lost 15 pounds since then.

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