I just read a post on Krista's page and thought I'd post a few thoughts of my own.
I am thankful I have the opportunity to vote and have a say in the leadership of our country. I feel very blessed to live here. I support the constitution. I support righteousness. I look forward to the day when the Lord will reign and we can fully live the law of Consecration. Until then I will continue preparing for future hard times the best I can.
My patriarchal blessing talks about following the Spirit so I can withstand the economic turmoil that will face the world, so I’ve given this a lot of thought. I think it’s more than following the Spirit in the heat of the moment and at the time of turmoil. I think it actually means to follow the Spirit and to follow the prophet before the turmoil hits so we can be in a better position when it hits. Being out of debt, having a reserve of money, but also, having our food storage, knowing how to garden and preserve the crop, as well as having a good attitude about work and being willing to do take whatever job we may need to take. I wish we were further along that path, but at least we have started and I’m glad we’ve gotten as far as we have.
Another thought…no matter what anyone says you cannot legislate unity, equality or any other moral characteristic. It just doesn’t work to take money from those who have educated themselves and done the work necessary to be successful to give to those less educated and less well off. No matter how hard you try, the poor end up spending the money and losing it while the rich regain the money and become richer. The only way to create equality and unity is to teach the poor better money management skills, better work skills and better overall thinking. The change has to be from the inside out in order for it to be any good. Going from the outside in will backfire every time. Unfortunately, this kind of change depends on the individual. They have to be ready for it. They have to want it. No one can force it on anyone. Not Obama, not McCain and not anyone else, no matter who they are.
Here's a great link - http://mormanity.blogspot.com/2008/11/choose-your-kingmen-carefully.html - it talks a lot about that "inside-out" change...